Apr 9, 2010

Our trip to Sydney NSW

As our time in Oz draws to a close, I realize that I'm quite behind on posting pics!  Just too busy having fun and exploring this wonderful country.

For Christmas and New Years, we took a trip to Sydney.  In an effort to see more of Australia, we decided to drive ... yup, with 2 little kiddies, a crazy idea!  We spread the drive over two days, stopping in Australia's capital, Canberra, for the night.  The drive was mainly highway on the way, and it rained most of the way!  For the return, we followed the coast and saw some beautiful beaches.  Easy to see why Australia is a surfers heaven!

Upon arrival in Coogee, we all jumped into the tumble dryer ... kidding of course, although we did need to dry off a bit ;o)  Coogee beach is beautiful and has a 7K walk to the famous Bondi beach.  Can't come all this way and not see it.  We embarked on the walk with our double stroller in tow, but the kiddies decided they were walking, so we carried the stroller up and down stairs while the kids followed ... hmmm, next time the stroller stays home!   The walk consists of path and stairs ... as M is quite little, I wanted him to hold my hand on the steps, but Mr Independent exclaimed "I hold my own hands" and then proceeded to hold his own hands and climb down the stairs.

Another outing was a trip to the Blue Mountains, about an hour outside of the City.  It was a beautiful day and we got to see the amazing rock formation known as The Three Sisters. 

Of course, not trip to Sydney is complete without the Harbour Bridge and the amazing Opera House.  In a moment of pure insanity, my mum and I decided to climb the Harbour Bridge at 3:30am.  After dragging ourselves out of bed at such an insane time of the morning ... yeah, I know that's the time I actually went to bed in my younger years! ... we were rewarded with breathtaking views of the sun rising over Sydney and watching the city come to life as people started their day.  

All in all, a fun time was had by all on our trip.  Farewell to Sydney, a beautiful city that was our home for 10 wonderful days.