Jan 22, 2010

Where did December go?

Ok, so this whole blog thing is still very new to me, and of course I have forgotten to post anything!!!

Well we blinked and December vanished before our eyes. Our day to day life continues as before. Hanging out at parks with friends, paddling at beaches or heading out on driving adventures, explorers that we are.

One visit took us to the Children's Garden at the Melbourne Botanical Gardens. A magical garden for children with steams to paddle in, sprinklers to cool down in and of course a vast array of pint sized plants. Rachael has been begging to return!

Our exploration of the beaches continued with stops at Port Nepean and the beautiful town of Sorrento, with it's nice quiet beach.

Mum (Nanny) arrived mid December to join us on our adventures. The extra set of hands to help with the kiddies was much appreciated! Of course, it was also good to have some good home cooked meals too ;o) One day trip we took was to Phillip Island which is about an hour away from where we are living. There we visited a park called Manu where the kangaroos roamed around freely and the kids were able to feed them. Rachael was so excited to pet them and feed them, whereas Matthew decided that imitation was the way to go. Every time a kangaroo came near, he jumped up and down in excitement.

Next we headed to the awesome Koala Conservation Center. Matthew, being Matthew, managed to get himself into trouble. He snuck around a sectioned off part of the boardwalk and stood under Mr Koala who was just getting turned down by Mrs Koala. Mr Koala was not happy and climbed down to where Matthew was standing! Managed to grab him out of the way before Mr Koala spotted him and decided to take out his frustrations on him! Phew ... life with a two year old boy is never dull :o)
Our last stop was the Penguin Parade. Every night, around 9pm, around a thousand fairy penguins come home from their hard day of fishing. The ride in on the waves and, after a few false starts, make their way up the beach to their homes. Their family and friends are waiting for them under the boardwalk and shout out their welcome. A magical thing to watch for sure <3